C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. AVAILABLE OPTIONS HELP This menu shows the available options. To select an option, position the highlight on the desired option and press . If you are finished using the message librarian, press . To get a list of the specific key assignments on your machine, press a second time. See the next page of help for a brief description of each option. Use to advance to the next page. Page 1 of 2 AVAILABLE OPTIONS HELP CREATE NEW MESSAGE LIBRARY This option will allow you to create a new message library from scratch. EDIT EXISTING MESSAGE LIBRARY This option will allow you to view and modify an existing message library. PRINT EXISTING MESSAGE LIBRARY This option will allow you to print all the messages from an existing message library to a file that you specify. Page 2 of 2 MESSAGE LIBRARY TYPE HELP To select an option, highlight the desired option and press . Select PROGRAM to create/edit messages which are unique to a particular program. Select SYSTEM to edit the system messages used by all programs. Page 1 of 1 MESSAGE LIBRARY NAME HELP Enter the name of the message library you wish to edit and press . A message library name can be up to 8 characters in length and should not have an extension. If the message library is not in the current directory, you must also include the path to reach it. To get a list of all the message libraries in the current directroy, press . Page 1 of 1 EXISTING LIBRARIES HELP This is a list of the message libraries in the current directory. To select a message library from this list, highlight the desired message library name and press . If you do not want to select a message library from this list, press . Page 1 of 1 SELECT MESSAGE HELP This list contains the messages that are defined in the current message library. You can use the following keys to add, delete and modify these messages. - Add/edit the text associated with the highlighted message. - Add a new message to the current message library. - Delete the highlighted message, or if several messages have been marked using the MARK key, delete all the marked messages from the message library. - Change the name by which the highlighted message is referenced in the C code. - Toggle marking of the highlighted message. - Unmark all currently marked messages. - Exit the current message library. Page 1 of 1 NEW MESSAGE NAME HELP Type in the name you wish to use to reference this message in your C program and press . If you do not want to add a new message, press . Page 1 of 1( MESSAGE TEXT HELP Enter the text that you want associated with this message and press . If you do not want to edit this message, press . Page 1 of 1 MESSAGE TEXT HELP ESCAPE - Save any message text changes. CANCEL - Cancel any message text changes. INSERT - Copy paste buffer into current cursor position. DELETE - Cut market text and copy into paste buffer. SELECT - Advance cursor to next line. MARK - Toggle marking of text. DELETE MESSAGE HELP If you want to delete the highlighted messages, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press . If you answer YES, any messages that you have marked using will be deleted. Page 1 of 1 SAVE MESSAGE LIBRARY HELP If you want to save the changes you have made to the current message library, answer YES. If you do not want to save the changes you have made, answer NO. If you are not finished editing the current message library, press . Page 1 of 1 MESSAGE LIBRARY NAME HELP Enter the name you wish to use for the current message library and press . The message library name should be 8 characters or less, and should not include a file extension. If the message library is to be saved in another directory, you must also include the path to reach the directory. Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM OVERWRITE HELP A message library with the name you selected already exists. If you want to overwrite the existing message library, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press . Page 1 of 1 THROW AWAY CHANGES HELP The current message library has been modified. If you do not want to save these changes, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press . If you answer YES, all the changes that you have made will be lost. Page 1 of 1 EXIT MESSAGE LIBRARIAN HELP If you are finished using the Message Librarian and have saved all of the changes you have made, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press . If you answer YES, any changes that you have made that have not been saved will be lost. Page 1 of 1 PRINT FILE HELP Enter the name of the file where the message library messages are to be output and press . The file name can be up to 8 characters followed by a period and a 3 character extension. Page 1 of 1 Can't Find Command.Com Help The file COMMAND.COM was not in the current directory, or in the path. Page 1 of 1